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Coaching on the job

Were you hired through us for your new job in the Hospitality and Catering Industry? Then we will make sure you receive coaching on the job. You have already proven that you are capable by completing our e-learning, but that is only the beginning. Now it is time to put it all into practice! We understand that you cannot be expected to master everything right away, and we don’t expect you to. That is why we ensure that you receive coaching on the job from your new employer.

Coaching on the job

Coaching on the job actually means training, in the broadest sense of the word. Your employer will take you under their wing and teach you all the tricks of the trade. They will coach you, encourage you and show you everything related to the job. A good explanation and instruction ultimately determines what they will gain from you as an employee. This is an important reason to take this part seriously! As Start in the Hospitality & Catering Industry, we would therefore like to see more attention paid to this part of the process. That is why we ask all our hospitality entrepreneurs to provide coaching on the job.

Why is coaching important?

Unfortunately, it happens far too often that new employees are thrown in at the deep end with no clear induction period. The result? Unnecessary tension, reluctance, uncertainty and many mistakes. This is logical, because someone who does not feel at ease tends to make mistakes. This in turn results in a dissatisfied employer, which leads to an unpleasant cycle. At Start in the Hospitality & Catering Industry, we want to break this cycle. Your workplace should be a pleasant environment! Even more so if you have decided to work in the hospitality and catering industry. And a good start is half the battle won already!

What does the coaching involve?

In practice, this means that your employer welcomes you with proper onboarding and instructions on the work you have to do, and how you are expected to carry it out. Or they can appoint someone to do it on their behalf. They dedicate their time to you and you should have the opportunity to ask questions. Step by step, you put the theory your learnt into practice. This may start with making a tasty cup of coffee, but also with how you greet guests and how you check people in and out. Depending on your position, of course. In combination with our e-learning, we expect to put a real hospitality and catering industry expert on the job!

Applying for your future job in the hospitality and catering industry?

Would you like to start in the hospitality and catering industry and does coaching on the job suit you? Then register and respond to one or more of our vacancies!
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